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Decide Which Technology to Use

By: Garry Crystal - Updated: 19 Oct 2012 | comments*Discuss
Small Business Technology Business Plans

Deciding which technology will of course depend on which type of small business you have. There will be technology that is relevant to every type of business regardless of the size. Deciding on the right technology for your business will take careful planning and taking business information from a technology expert will be wise move.

Technology for the Small Business

Deciding on which technology to use for your small business will mean considering a few factors. For instance if your business is mainly sales and customer related then you will need to look carefully at communications technology. This type of small business will rely heavily on the Internet and computers. Software will include databases and payment software. But the type of technology you will need will be entirely dependant on your small business type.

Common Technology for Small Businesses

There will be technology that will be common to businesses regardless of the size. This will include the usual computers for staff, software and communication tools. It is pretty uncommon for a business to be able to run without these basic facilities. Extra technology can then be decided upon, and any business plans should have this area factored into them from the start. If funding is to be applied for it is important that all areas are covered in the business plan, including important technology.

Getting the Most from Business Technology

Deciding on the additional technology should include factors such as productivity in the workplace. Can the technology you choose help boost productivity and achieve goals? Will this technology actually be a long term benefit to the company? You should also look at whether the additional technology is good value for money or will it just be a gadget that will only be used occasionally.

Leasing Your Small Business Technology

For small businesses, especially start ups, leasing business technology will be the most cost effective option. The leasing company should be able to help if you do not know which technology would be right for your company. In many cases you can negotiate a deal where you can hand back or exchange the technology after a set period if it does not prove to be useful. This condition should be negotiated when contracts are being drawn up and included in the actual contract.

Software and Your Small Business

Choosing the right software for your small business will mean knowing your software capability and requirements. If you are a small business that only uses its computer for accounts and customer records then you are not going to have the same software needs as a graphic design company. Small businesses can usually keep their software simple with basic packages. If you are not too computer savvy then the more basic the software the better. If you have one server then hire an IT support person on an “as needed” basis; this will save a lot of money in the long run.

Cost Effective Small Business Technology

Business technology prices can be very competitive and there are good deals to be had for small businesses. In many cases the budget equipment will do the job just as good as the more expensive pieces. If you have a company that relies on a lot presentations then items such as projectors, screens and computer integrated televisions will be a requirement. There will be a diverse range of these items but it does not necessarily mean that the most expensive is the best.

If you are determined to buy instead of leasing then remember that technology does go out of date very quickly. Upgrading technology can cost a lot of money, so purchasing standard items from reliable brands will be the best option. Remember as a small business you should be able to get technology at a discount and there will of course be tax benefits on your business purchases.

Using a business plan and taking advice from IT and business technology professionals should help when choosing technology. Identifying your business technology needs will take a lot of planning, and should be researched with a long term view. Cost is important for the small business and leasing options should seriously be considered as opposed to buying.

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